Questions From Our Community: The Graduate Profile
Q: I’ve been hearing about a CCDS Graduate Profile. Can you tell me why we’re doing this and what it is?
A: A graduate profile is a document that visually displays the cognitive, personal, and interpersonal competencies that students should have when they graduate – skills they will carry with them beyond their school years. It is thoughtfully created with input from key stakeholders, and has a clear visualization of our priorities and goals for teaching and learning.
Graduate profiles should be memorable and inspirational, easily understood by students, parents, faculty and community members. In the end, it should become an integral part of how people perceive and experience Chico Country Day School.
Surprisingly, CCDS is unique in our area in terms of developing a graduate profile; not many schools in our area have one. It’s been a privilege to have other schools reach out to us, seeing us as a forward-thinking school in the Northern California area and beyond.
We’re proud to have developed a graduate profile, and we are committed as a community to work toward these five domains of student success: Community, Creativity, Integrity, Advocacy, and Curiosity.