Lisa Janke
I’m so happy to be part of the CCDS community! I remember wanting to be a teacher since I was young, and have many teachers in my family. I began my teaching career in Santa Cruz, where I received my credential and Master’s in Education at UC Santa Cruz. My first eight years of teaching were at an elementary school in Watsonville. Over the last six years I’ve taught in Yuba City, Oroville, and Chico. In over 16 years of teaching I have taught students from TK to 5th, with most of that time spent in 2nd-5th grade.
I’ve had many teachers inspire me while growing up in Sacramento and Truckee. One that stands out to me was my 5th grade teacher, Mr. Deason. He was kind, funny, and really shared his excitement about learning.
I love to spend time with my husband and two boys, having home dance parties, listening to music, hiking, reading, and cooking. I also love to travel around the world and learn about other cultures. So far I’ve traveled to 6 different countries and 11 states. At the top of my travel list is to go to Greece, as that is part of my heritage and culture.