Alex Rainey
I absolutely love teaching at CCDS and feel incredibly privileged to spend my time doing something I am so passionate about. Our school is a magical place -the kiddos, the families, the staff, the philosophy and vision of education that is shared all adds to the sparkle and shine of CCDS. This will be my 15th year teaching, and while the majority of my career has been in the upper elementary grades, I am overjoyed to be teaching 2nd grade.
In addition to being a teacher, I am a mama to a curious and kind-hearted 2nd grader who attends CCDS alongside me, which couldn’t be anymore perfect. His older brother is attending college and excelling at being a wonderful human being. Beyond teaching and mom’n, I love creating new memories with those I hold close to my heart, travel near and far, be awestruck by the beauty of the natural world, channel my inner fish in crystal clear ocean waters, and hit the trails on my bike.
I am thrilled to make so many new memories and share new experiences with my new crew of 2nd graders and their grownups. Cheers to our adventurous journey through learning in 2nd grade.