About Us
Board of Directors
The Board of Directors at CCDS holds regularly scheduled meetings the second Wednesday of the month, unless otherwise noted in the year-long calendar. Additionally, the following annual calendar has been developed to help support community awareness about the topics discussed throughout the year.
Are you interested in joining the CCDS Board? The Board Development Team would love to hear from you! A more detailed description of the role of Board Members can be found HERE. Please complete THIS FORM if you are interested in serving on the board.
Upcoming Meetings:
Below are the agendas and minutes for our 2024-25 Board of Directors meetings. Agendas will be posted prior to the meeting, in accordance with Brown Act rules, and minutes are posted once approved.
- March 12, 2025 Regular Meeting: Agenda and Supporting Documents
- March 12, 2025 Special Meeting: Agenda
- January 22, 2025 Regular Meeting: Agenda and Supporting Documents / Minutes
- December 19, 2024: Special Meeting
- December 10, 2024: Agenda and Supporting Documents / Minutes
- November 14, 2024: Special Meeting Agenda / Minutes
- October 9, 2024: Agenda and Supporting Documents / Minutes
- September 11, 2024: Agenda & Supporting Documents / Minutes
- August 16, 2024: Agenda & Supporting Documents / Minutes
- August 16, 2024 Strategic Planning Meeting: Agenda
2024-25 Meeting Schedule
All meetings are held at 6pm in the Middle School unless otherwise noted. Additionally, all Board Meetings are available via Zoom.
- August 16, 2024 at 3pm
- September 11, 2024
- October 9, 2024
- November 14, 2024 (Special Meeting)
- December 10, 2024
- December 19, 2025 (Special Meeting)
- January 22, 2025
- March 12, 2025 (previous typo indicated this was March 7th)
- May 6, 2025
- June 11, 2025
- Nick Trover, Chair - ntrover@chicocountryday.org
- Jocelyn Ahern, Vice Chair - jahern@chicocountryday.org
- Ross Simmons, Treasurer - rsimmons@chicocountryday.org
- Kenyan Martin, Secretary - kmartin@chicocountryday.org
- Alyssa Nixon, Member - anixon@chicocountryday.org
Board Member Responsibilities
TERM: Three years if elected by the Board, (or if in the case of filling a vacancy, the remainder of the term being filled). Two time renewal.
STRUCTURE: The board should have a membership that includes diversity in the areas of age, ethnicity, gender, experience, and knowledge.
Functions of the Board of Directors:
- Participate in the development of goals and objectives
- Establish policies
- Participate in the strategic planning process
- Participate in fundraising activities
- Approve the annual budget and monitor financial management
- Approve special funding projects
- Approve new projects and programs
- Establish financial policy
- Participate in the evaluation of the school and of the Executive Director
- Elect officers and nominate candidates to fill vacancies on the Board
- Amend bylaws of the organization, as necessary.
Specific Responsibilities of Board Members
- Attend all regular and special meetings of the Board
- Attend committee meetings as necessary
- Attend Board retreat
- Attend events such as fundraisers
General Responsibilities of Board Members
- Provide leadership and discussion in board deliberations
- Be conversant about CCDS
- Be in a position to support policy and programs in informal settings
- Effectively communicate the school's success and programs
- Be politically aware in regard to charter school issues
- Actively engage in school fundraising
- Directors should not interpret school policy in self-interest or use their position for personal gain.
- No director can legally obligate the school.
- Directors should not usurp the authority of school administration
We’re grateful that you are interested in the CCDS Board and the procedures we must follow. The following FAQs have been collected from our community and will be updated on our website annually:
FAQ for Chico Country Day School Board of Directors
Q: I keep hearing about the Brown Act. What is the Brown Act and how does it impact the meetings of the CCDS Board?
A: The Brown Act, named after Assemblymember Ralph M. Brown, is a California law designed to guarantee public access to the meetings of many local government bodies, including school boards. This Act requires meetings of such bodies to be "open and public," ensuring that the business they conduct and the decisions they make are done so transparently and in view of the public. We do a 2-hour training each year about this, so distilling it down here does not reach every detail about the Brown Act. This is just a simple outline and more info is available online with a Google search.
For families at CCDS, following the Brown Act means:
- Notification: Agendas must be posted on the website and at an accessible location on campus with 72 hours' notice for a Regular Meeting and 24 hours in advance for a Special Meeting. The Board may only discuss items that are agendized, meaning that they may not discuss and deliberate about items not on the agenda. For example, a topic brought up in Public Comment cannot be discussed by the board due to that item not being publicized and noticed in advance for all interested parties to attend the discussion.
- Open Access: Meetings are held in locations accessible to the general public and at times to encourage participation.The Board may not engage in Board business as individuals and must follow Brown Act rules regarding electronic communication.
- Public Input: Families are encouraged to attend meetings, building a deeper understanding of items affecting their children and community. The agenda will note the opportunity for Public Comment (Regular Agendas only), which is for items not on the agenda. There is also an opportunity and a routine to collect input on agendized items.
- Meeting Records: The board keeps written minutes and other records of their meetings, which are available to the public.
The intention around the Brown Act is that the work of the Board is done in public in a way that allows those who are interested to be involved. Sometimes the structures and parameters can feel limiting, but the intention is truly around the meetings being public and open to all. We must comply with the Brown Act and we also follow parliamentary procedures as well.
Q: What is the role of the board?
A: The CCDS Board of Directors oversees the strategic direction of the school, ensures financial stability, and maintains the integrity of the school's mission. They set policies, make significant educational and operational decisions, and hire and evaluate the Executive Director. They are not involved in the day-to-day operations of the school.
Q: What decisions are Board decisions?
A: Board decisions include policy approvals, budget adoption, executive personnel decisions, and long-term strategic planning.
Q: How does the board collaborate with the Executive Director?
A: The board provides governance and oversight, while the Executive Director manages the day-to-day operations of the school. The Executive Director attends board meetings, reports on school progress, and participates in strategic discussions, acting as a liaison between the staff and the board. The Executive Director and Board work together to determine annual goals and work together to realize those goals in service of student educational outcomes.
Q: How does the board support the mission, vision, and values of CCDS?
A: The board ensures that their decisions align with the school's mission, vision, and values. They actively monitor the progress of annual goals and maintain the institution's mission, vision, and values by checking in on the progress of the goals.
Q: What warrants a closed session?
A: A closed session may occur for discussing personnel issues, negotiations, student matters, security issues, or litigation, as permitted by the Brown Act.
Q: Can the board make decisions on the spot?
A: While emergency or time-sensitive issues may require prompt action, under regular circumstances, items are agendized in advance in accordance with the Brown Act so the public has advance notice of what will be discussed. An example of an Emergency Meeting was the school closure due to the Camp Fire. These types of meetings are very few and far between and have very specific circumstances to maintain compliance with the Brown Act.
Q: How are items agendized?
A: Items are placed on the agenda before the meeting, as required by the Brown Act. The process for submission and approval of agenda items is outlined in the board's bylaws. Types of meetings include Regular, Special, and Emergency, which all have different agenda-posting timelines.
Q: What training does the board participate in?
A: The board engages in ongoing professional development in areas such as education law, governance, finance, and the Brown Act to effectively fulfill their duties.
Q: How can a parent get involved with the board?
A: Parents can attend board meetings, serve on committees, provide input during public comment periods, and consider applying for a board position when vacancies arise.
Q: How do I contact the board?
A: You can contact the CCDS Board of Directors by email, phone, or mail through the contact information provided on the school's website or administrative office.
Q: What are the Brown Act rules around communication with the board?
A: Under the Brown Act, all communications that pertain to board business must be made in a public setting during official meetings, except for allowable closed-session topics. When following the Brown Act, the main concerns regarding email communication between members of the public and the board members center around maintaining transparency and preventing circumvention of public meeting laws. Here are the key prohibitions and considerations:
Passing Messages Between Board Members: Members of the public should not be used to pass messages between board members related to official business outside of a public meeting. This can create a situation similar to a serial meeting, where deliberations are conducted outside of the public eye, even if unintentionally.
Sharing Opinions on Public Business: While members of the public are free to email board members to express opinions, ask questions, or provide information, they should be cautious if a board member or members respond in a way that shares their thoughts on issues that are within the board's jurisdiction, especially if they address these to multiple members. Board members must avoid responding in a manner that constitutes a discussion among themselves outside of a public meeting.
The key takeaway for members of the public is to communicate openly with board members while being mindful of the constraints board members face regarding private deliberations on public matters. For board members, while receiving information from the public is a part of their role, they must be careful not to engage in discussions that should be held in a public meeting. This ensures that all deliberations and decisions are made transparently and in accordance with the law.
Q: What concerns should I bring to the board?
A: Matters about the day-to-day operations of the school should be brought first to the school staff, ideally with the individuals involved. If a concern requires escalation, contact the school administration. Concerns regarding school policies, practices, or matters that impact the broader school community can be brought before the board, particularly if they are within the board's governance scope, which was described in more detail above.
Q: How are board members selected?
A: Board members apply and are interviewed by the Board Development Team. The Board utilizes a matrix to determine areas of need and expertise when seeking new members. Board candidates have a philosophical alignment with the mission of the organization and aspire to bring the values and vision to life at CCDS. A recommendation is brought to the board meeting for approval. A more detailed policy is located on the website.
2023-24 School Year
- June 14, 2024 Agenda / Minutes
- May 14, 2024 Agenda / Minutes
- April 10, 2024 Agenda / Minutes
- March 13, 2024 (Special Meeting) Agenda / Minutes
- March 13, 2024 Agenda / Minutes
- January 17, 2024 Agenda / Minutes
- December 12, 2023 (Special Meeting) Agenda / Minutes
- November 8, 2023 Agenda / Minutes
- October 11, 2023 Agenda / Minutes
- September 13, 2023 Agenda / Minutes
- August 9, 2023 Agenda / Minutes
- August 9, 2023 (Special Meeting) Agenda / Minutes
- August 8-9, 2023 (Board Retreat/Workshop) Agenda
The agendas for our regular meetings are posted in the school office window and on the CCDS website 72 hours in advance. If the need for a special meeting arises, the agenda will be posted in the school office window and on the CCDS website 24 hours in advance, in accordance with the Ralph M Brown Act.
You may email our Board of Directors any time at boardofdirectors@chicocountryday.org
Public Input
Public input on specific agenda items and those items not on the agenda: the CCDS Board of Directors welcomes and encourages public comments. Please review the policy linked above.
Special Needs
If you have special needs because of a disability, which makes it difficult for you to participate in the meeting, or you require assistance or auxiliary aids to participate in the meeting, please contact the CCDS office at (530) 895-2650. CCDS will attempt to accommodate your disability.
2023-24 School Year
- June 14, 2024 Agenda / Minutes
- May 14, 2024 Agenda / Minutes
- April 10, 2024 Agenda / Minutes
- March 13, 2024 (Special Meeting) Agenda / Minutes
- March 13, 2024 Agenda / Minutes
- January 17, 2024 Agenda / Minutes
- December 12, 2023 (Special Meeting) Agenda / Minutes
- November 8, 2023 Agenda / Minutes
- October 11, 2023 Agenda / Minutes
- September 13, 2023 Agenda / Minutes
- August 9, 2023 Agenda / Minutes
- August 9, 2023 (Special Meeting) Agenda / Minutes
- August 8-9, 2023 (Board Retreat/Workshop) Agenda
2022-23 School Year
- 6/14/2023 Special Board Meeting Agenda & Packet
- 6/6/2023 Regular Meeting Agenda & Packet
- 5/23/2023 Regular Meeting Agenda & Packet
- 5/10/2023 Special Board Meeting Agenda & Packet
- 3/8/2023 Regular Meeting Agenda and Packet
- 2/15/2023 Regular Board Meeting Agenda & Packet
- 12/22/2022 Regular Board Meeting Agenda & Packet
- 12/7/2022 Regular Board Meeting Agenda & Packet
- 11/14/2022 Special Board Meeting Agenda & Packet
- 10/19/2022 Regular Board Meeting Agenda & Packet
- 10/19/2022 Special Board Meeting Agenda & Packet
- 9/14/22 Regular Board Meeting Agenda & Packet
- 9/7/2022 Special Board Meeting Agenda
- 8/10/2022 Regular Board Meeting Agenda & Packet